Dance education at Nritarutya

As part of Nritarutya’s dance education series, we’ve introduced Open classes for anyone interested in understanding their body mechanics. From Trained professional dancers, beginners to fitness enthusiasts we’d love to have more to dance with.

To introduce one of city’s best dance gurus,Nakula Somana..we share his thoughts:


Little about your dance history

I have always been fascinated by art and have felt its effect most strongly when one first meets it either as a participant or as an observer. Community Arts plays a huge role in bringing people who are new to learning about a form in contact with teachers. I am interested in diverse art forms and have had training in different styles of dance primarily.


What does your dance class prescribe?

Turning up, being there once you get to the class and participating is good enough to begin with. After that you begin the process of understanding technique and finding your voice or ways of being and moving in space.


Dancing for you is…..

…..many things and the good parts cannot be put into words. To dance is to experience it.


Are your sessions specifically for dancers?

It’s great to work with dancers and I often do. The sessions are for people who turn up, which could also be for beginners.


What is/are the techniques you bring to a class?

Mostly simple motor or movement exercises that we normally do, like twisting around to reach for a cup while seated, can be turned into a repeated spiraling movement and further stylized for an exercise. Most classes would use basic moves strung together to make sequences.


The techniques used are from modern dances from Europe, America and Indian forms. The floor-work we do while lying down is like moving Yoga.


Take a session with Nakula Somana

on Tuesdays from 11.30-1. [100 Rs per session]

Write to or call-9886280282 for more details.




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