MAYA-AYAM-Illusion of time-Images by Sriharsha


Chitraleka Dance Company (UK based) is collaborating with Nritarutya (India based) to tour their joint dance production Maya – Ayam in both countries.Evolutionary theories, ten avatars of Vishnu, Ardhanarishwara and the forces of rhythm are explored through the vocabulary of dance. A touring dance production funded by Birmingham City Council’s International Partnership Programme


Production team:
Choreographers: Chitraleka Bolar, Mayuri Upadhya, Hari Krishnan & Sathya B G
Dancers: Aakash Odedra, Subhash Viman, Madhuri Upadhya & Geetha Ballal
Music Composers: Praveen Rao & Raghu Dixit


Watch Maya-Ayam Illusion of Time on [ENTRY FREE]

1. Saturday 8th January 2011 at 7.00pm
KH Kalasoudha, Ramanjaneya Gudda, Gavipuram Extension, Hanumanthanagar, Bangalore, Karnataka 560019, India. Tel: 098 45 031413

2. Monday 10th January 2011 at 7.00pm
Chowdiah Memorial Hall, 16th Cross, Malleshwaram, Gayathri Devi Park Extension, Vyalikaval, Bengaluru, Karnataka 560003, India. Tel: 080 23445810


  • Ranjitha Gopalakrishna

    4th January 2011 at 11:44 pm Reply

    Wow that’s so nice to hear that you people are doing Maya Ayam which includes avatar’s of LORD VISHNU & Ardanarishwara. The style and the subject Nritatrutya choose are always interesting. The presentation will be very good and will be expecting some photos in the website.I am so excited to see the show but unfortunately i am not able to attend the show but i will try my best to wish you all a great success. There is no doubt about the your stunning performance you guys definitely do dam good. Best Wishes and hope you people can perform some day in Mysore too 😀

  • sriyala

    8th January 2011 at 8:01 am Reply

    Dear Nritarutya team,

    It was a pleasure to watch this evening’s performance.
    1.choreography – very innovative.
    2.use of props and stage setting – brilliant.
    3.dancers – excellent performance.
    4.costume – beautiful.

    Keep up the good work.
    Good luck for your future perforamnces.


  • Sreiharsha Holla

    8th January 2011 at 8:04 am Reply

    Today we attended the performance at K.H Kalasoudha,Ramanjeneya Gudda, Bangalore. It was one of the wonderful performance by Madhuri Upadyaya, Geetha Ballal, Akash Vodera and Subhash Menon.Out of three dance picies performed,I liked the Dashavatara performance the most.The dance was really a blend of Bhava,Tala, Raaga and Natya.The abhinaya and the Mudra shown by the performers was just outstanding. The quick chaning of steps,bending the body like creepers added lusture and crown to the world of Natya. The mystic manifestation was presented really well.

    Suggestion: Out of 10 avataras of Lord Vishnu only some have been narrated. I request you to give a small title before the manifestation of that Natya depicting the vatara begings.

    Once again thanks for arranging such a wonderfull show and showers of gods blessings to the performers and Chriralekha Bolar for preseting the greatest and auspicious epic in terms of Natya. I wish you all the best.

  • sandeep patil

    10th January 2011 at 9:25 am Reply

    hi there,
    i had been invited by my friend, VINAY POLE,a student of Nritarutya and saw the performance in Chowdiah Memorial hall ,a few hours ago and it was truly MIND-BLOWING, amazing…..and gotta tell u that i’ve become a fan of Nritarutya . i wish all the guys and the institute a very best of luck, in future……..

    umm, lookin forward to see more performances in future.

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