Who ever said acting was all fun and easy??? by Sathya B.G

Making a debut in sandalwood under the Agni Sridhar directorial is what every debutant would dream of.

And sharing screen space with none other than hatrick hero Shivanna (Shivarajkumar) was like an icing on the cake!! Our very own,  Sathya,  shares his experience about his beautiful first venture as an actor in Tamassu.

Sathya starts like this –


My First step in the Film world, my first Kannada movie, Scripted & directed by the man himself Mr. Agni Sridhar sir. Sharing Screen space with the hatrick hero Shivanna…What else can I ask for


Veena (assisting the camera for Tamassu) introduced me to Sridhar sir and he immediately said your right for the terrorist role. He later introduced me to his well-wishers and they said yes he looks like “kasab” (and I took it as a compliment).


My kannada is not that great so we had n number of reading of my lines, but with each day getting close the screws were getting tighter. Acting, dialogues in kannada and against whom..Shivanna, if I goof up it will effect actors around me also. I was told. I have some intense dialogs in the movie and it had to said with the right emotion.

But Sridhar sir was calm, patient and very supportive towards me which I don’t think anybody would do for a new comer like me. If not for my self I wanted to give it more than I have for the faith he showed in me.

Initially my role had just two scenes. Later my role was developed to a few more scenes..a chase, a fight and some dialogs. More than I could ask for.


I normally go to the gym regularly so was fit enough. I had to look trained and fighting fit so had a strict diet without sugar, tea, milk, coffee etc. only boiled vegetables, protein shakes, eggs etc.

My first shot was the torture scene in the jail and I was to be in my briefs. I was told by my gym Instructor to stop drinking water two days before the shoot of the sequence to look more toned up. Which I did

The day was fine but was tough in the night my mouth use to get dry and I use to carve for water

Day one passed and then another.

Went to the sets of the film and was told my shot will be the next day. I stayed back at the sets to watch the shooting, I saw everybody having tea, coffee, coconut water or just plain water. and my mouth use to drool… I started dreaming about ice cold chilled water bottles around me. My throat felt like dry well not seen water for ages.


All I did was, just close my eyes and looked the other way, then went to the gym to workout. And that very day a friend of mine invited me to a barbecue party. As I ate two pieces of chicken my mouth got even drier. My instructor told me if needed I can have a small sip of water, but I chose not to. My friends kept telling me its fine to drink a little water. But I refused. No one asked me or forced me to do this but I wanted to give my best shot.

That night I dream of water all around me, I had a bottle of cold water in my hands but could not open it. I woke up,licked my lips wet and slept again.

Next day went to the sets and was told my shot will be just before lunch, then after lunch. All I did was to concentrate.

Finally my shot was at 4 O’ clock. Nervous but focused. The wait was over. Shivanna was so very supportive and so was Sridhar sir. And I believe everyone liked the shot. The shot got over at 6 and I sat down on a chair smiling to my self, relieved and happy about the shot. And a bottle of water was handed over to me after 88 long hours.

I was still holding my self from drinking the chilled cool water. I asked everybody, making sure if I had any more bare chested shots. Then when it was clear that my shots was done, I opened the bottle and gulped down the full one liter with in seconds…then there was life.

Who ever said acting was all fun and easy???

I’m not complaining… it was worth all the effort for me. It was my experience which I wanted to share with all of you. Now I want all of you to watch the movie in a theatre and share your thoughts about the movie.Tamassu hits the movie hall very soon..!


  • giri

    7th June 2010 at 7:40 pm Reply

    Dedication dude! dedication! hats off!

  • Vasundara Reddy

    14th June 2010 at 8:00 pm Reply

    Good story, with sensible messages, acting and camara work keep it up…………………… kannada movies needs more directors like Agni Sridhar

  • srihari sharma

    14th June 2010 at 10:47 pm Reply

    congrats dude..keep the hard work going..all the best 🙂

  • lakshmisha

    14th June 2010 at 10:50 pm Reply

    congrats and all the best for newer roles in Sandalwood!! sure to watch the movie and it has good reviews as well..

  • Raghav

    15th June 2010 at 2:51 pm Reply

    I watched the movie.. Excellent Work.. Your focus on the job keeps you high.Hats off..
    All the best. 🙂


  • Prashanth Sharma

    15th June 2010 at 9:43 pm Reply

    Hi there
    congrats!!! I know acting is not that easy, I had acted in movie PREMISAM.Hats off to your dedication. I will watch the movie and will share my opinion. All the best for future projects.

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